Drivers are going digital

eMobits APP is the extension of e-Lips TMS

Drivers are going digital

"Drivers also have to get used to the new way of working"


What is digital working?

Drivers receive tasks on a smartphone or tablet in an app. They can read what to do and where to go. It is possible that they can navigate to their destination from the app.

The old-fashioned transport order will disappear completely, and calling drivers will also disappear.

Why do we use it?

To communicate quickly with each other. Having access to real-time  information is the main reason why you would want to work digitally. In addition, you prevent errors such as miscommunication (I meant, I understood ...). And working digitally saves a lot of time and money. Planners do not have to call drivers to provide information (where to go, what time to leave, tar code, etc.) or receive information (Container number, seal number, weight, etc.).


How do we use it?

eMobits app is supplied by Erniesoft and can be easily linked to e-Lips TMS. If you have assigned a ride to a vehicle and/or driver in e-Lips, you can upload the ride with 1 mouse click on the app of the relevant driver. If the assignment changes or you have received additional information. Then enter it in e-Lips and upload the trip again on the app.

The driver completes the assignments by means of simple screen instructions, thereby feeding e-Lips with valuable information. At the end of the task, the driver must complete a question path. This questionnaire is drawn up in consultation with you. A separate question path is created for each type of assignment, so that we do not ask drivers more than necessary.